The Religious Education program is integral to all aspects of the school’s curriculum. Our Program is grounded in the document: Religious Education Archdiocese of Brisbane 2013 developed by Brisbane Catholic Education.
Our BCE Religious Education Curriculum P-12 invites us to ensure that…
From the first moment that a student sets foot in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have the impression of entering a new environment, one illuminated by the light of faith, and having its unique characteristics. The inspiration of Jesus must be translated from the ideal into the real. The Gospel spirit should be evident in a Christian way
of thought and life which permeates all facets of the educational climate. (n.25)

Students of all faith traditions are welcomed with a view to broadening our religious understanding. Formal Religious Education lessons are conducted in the classrooms each day. Regular masses and liturgies are special ways in which we share our faith and celebrate it with the school and parish community.
At Queen of Apostles, we value and believe in our Catholic faith traditions, that all learners are unique and special, that all learners can experience success and that success is celebrated, that learning is a lifelong process and should be purposeful and meaningful and that learning environments should be flexible, supportive and engaging.
Our Religious Education program is based on the model that articulates clearly the two complementary and distinct aspects of religious education: Teaching people religion which is the classroom teaching of and learning about religion, and teaching people to be religious in a particular way which encompasses the whole religious life and Catholic ethos of the school community.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Queen of Apostles, 2023